Om Fredrik Sjöström

Jag som är grundare av Streamrocket AB heter Fredrik Sjöström och är utbildad Marknadsekonom, och har bred erfarenhet inom marknadsföring, kommunikation och e-handel.
Mitt huvudfokus är marknadsföring, affärsutveckling och försäljning inom digitala medier. Min erfarenhet från dessa områden sträcker sig mer än 20 år tillbaka i tiden och det är fortfarande, om inte ännu roligare för varje år som går.
Den ”digitala arenan” och att hjälpa företag med sin transformering, mot den framtida kommunikationen och affärsutvecklingen, är en stor passion för mig.
Streamrocket är mitt fjärde startade bolag, så antar att jag numera kan kalla mig entreprenör.
Tidigare anställningar
Ett axplock av tidigare anställningar jag har haft under åren. Mer information hittar du på LinkedIn.
ATG – Head of Digital Communication
Ninetech – Senior Digital Advisor
SATS ELIXIA – Nordic E-commerce Manager
Posten – Business Development Manager, Online
Com Hem – Online Manager
Aftonbladet – Project Manager
Scandinavia Online (Passagen) – Business Area Manager
Kabel New Media – Key Account Manager
Projector – Production Manager
Nettime – Web producer
Meter Film & Television – Digital Producer
Rekommendationer och referenser
”Fredrik joined the Nordic marketing team as E-Commerce Manager in February 2011 with the assignment to lead the project of an entire new SATS digital platform, from initial phases of customer insight to a full-fledged Nordic launch and thereafter ongoing development of functionality, usability and commercialization on desktop as well as mobile. Receiving the award for “best website within health and training 2013” was a great and well deserved acknowledgement of the hard work Fredrik and colleagues put into transforming SATS into a digital player. All in all, Fredrik is very competent within all aspects of digital and is always updated with the latest online trends and facts. I would especially like to highlight his competence as a commercial-minded strategist with an ability to present complex information in a clear way. I hope our ways will cross again in the future.”
– Eva Lundström, Director of Marketing, Scandic Sweden (former CMO at SATS)
”Fredrik is a skilled online professional who I got to work with when Fredrik was at Com Hem. I found Fredrik to have a wide and deep online knowledge that also made him a quite demanding client – in a good way. In the partnership between Com Hem and Keybroker, we had interesting and developing discussions of how to continue to improve the results for Comhem. I give Fredrik my warm recommendation in his role as a senior digital consultant.”
– Anna Wikland, Country Director Sweden, Google
“Changing and modernizing an old-school organization is like turning an Aircraft Carrier around. It takes time, leadership skills and know how. Fredrik got all of these characteristics.
I first started working with Fredrik back in 2005 when we were awarded the project to redesign – the website for one of Swedens leading Triple play Telcos. We then continued working together during three years before I decided to open up a new business.
Fredrik had visions and wanted to make them come true. Then in 2009 he finally revamped both the back end as well as the front end of – the result of a long process where endurance, passion and vision were all parts of the recipe for success. Fredrik gets a huge A in my class and I’m always prepared to give him my best recommendations.”
– Johan Ronnestam, Global speaker, creative director, brand strategy & serial entrepreneur
Internetworld Topp100 – 2013SATS – Utsedd, till Sveriges bästa webbplats inom Hälsa och träning i Internetworld Topp100.
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